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Second call for papers

This second call for papers allows potential contributors to submit abstracts for potential presentation in the topical sessions of the Congress and as posters; for presentation in workshops; and also proposals for new workshops (a limited number of slots for additional workshops remain available). 

How to submit an abstract?

Contributions to the regular sessions of the Congress should indicate one of the following three preferences:

  • Verbal presentation in one of the organized sessions;
  • Presentation as a poster; or
  • Presentation either verbally in a session or as a poster, as determined by the organizer of the relevant parallel session area.

Abstracts should indicate the domain of the proposed contribution (by choosing one of the parallel sessions, as indicated on the parallel sessions page of the website), within which the abstract will be evaluated.  Abstracts submitted for presentation (regardless of whether they are to be presented orally or as posters) will be evaluated by the organizers of the separate sessions, with the help of additional reviewers.  If an abstract does not seem to fall within the domain of the session indicated, it may be forwarded to another session as more appropriate.

Workshop organization: The Scientific Committee has approved an initial set of workshop proposals.  Some of these are “open” in that abstracts for presentation in them can be submitted generally.  Others are “closed,” and all contributions to them will be arranged by the workshop organizers.  Abstracts for “open” workshops can be submitted directly from the Workshops page of the website, and will be sent directly to the workshop organizers for evaluation; click HERE to reach the Workshops page.

The submission process:

An abstract submitted for presentation can be kept open throughout the period of submission in response to the call for papers.  An abstract can be

a.     saved at any time, regardless of how much of the submission form has been completed;

b.    changed in status by checking the appropriate button as “provisory” (still in progress) or “definitive” (complete and ready for evaluation)

As long as the status of the abstract is “provisory,” the submitter can reach it through his/her personal space (“MyICL”) on the website, and change anything on the form as desired.  PLEASE NOTE THAT ONCE THE SUBMISSION IS MARKED AS “DEFINITIVE” IT CANNOT BE MODIFIED FURTHER.

Two weeks before the deadline associated with the call for papers, an email message will be sent to those whose abstracts are still “provisory,” so that these can be completed and marked as “definitive” in time to meet the deadline for submission. 
The deadline for submission of abstracts for presentation in the parallel sessions or as posters in 15 July, 2012.

Rules for abstract submission:

  • Word limit: 500 words (including examples but excluding title and references).
  • Word count should be indicated at the bottom of the abstract.
  • File format: if possible, type the text of your abstract directly into the submission form. If your abstract includes diagrams, pictures or other graphics, a .pdf file can be uploaded instead.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously, and should not include any author information.
  • Author information (name, affiliation, email address, etc.) are required on the submission website.  All questions on the submission form must be answered.
  • An individual may submit up to two abstracts (either as sole author or jointly with someone else) for the parallel and poster sessions.  Submissions for workshops, either as organizer or contributor, are not limited and do not count against this.
  • For joint abstracts, the first author will be considered as the contact person.

Notification of acceptance of contributions will be sent in the fall of 2012, except for additional workshop proposals submitted in response to this call, whose organizers will be notified by the beginning of June 2012, prior to the opening of the third (and last) call for papers at the beginning of June 2012.

For additional information, please consult the Congress website.


If you check this link, you admit acceptance of the rules of submission and selection of the contributions
to the 19th ICL : abstract submission form