[WS120] Negation and polarity: interfaces and cognition
Auteurs : Pierre Larrivée (Caen) and Chungmin Lee (Seoul)
Titre : Negation and polarity: interfaces and cognition
As a feature of all human grammars, negation and related phenomena such as focus and polarity have been the object of considerable scrutiny in contemporary linguistics, and considerable insights have been achieved since the first edition of Larry Horn’s ‘A Natural History of Negation’ in 1989. There is a good level of understanding of the morphology and syntax of negation, its historical development, and its pragmatics, in a wide variety of languages. However, a number of issues remain unresolved, especially with regards to the contribution of interfaces to the interpretation of negation. The positional factors that intervene in the semantic licensing of polarity items (English ‘*Anyone didn’t come’, compared to the felicitous Korean ‘Amwu-to an-wassta’) and the interference from pragmatic factors (noted early on by Linebarger), are still awaiting proper characterisation. Similar characterisation is needed for the interpretation of negation itself in its exclamative (‘Not him again!’), interrogative (‘Isn’t it him already?’) and expletive uses, and while multiple models exist of negative concord and double negation, their relation to prosody and information structure remains to be fully spelled out. Agreed definition and diagnostics of metalinguistic, polemic and descriptive values are still awaited. Debates are to be apportioned as to the precise triggers of how negative value is acquired by indefinites and minimizers, and the existence of cognitive constraints on historical pathways of change. The workshop aims to bring together innovative and substantial contributions to the role of interface in the interpretation of negation and polarity, that illuminate the organisation of cognitive processes. Contributions setting the debates are offered by Jon Gasjewski (Connecticut), Michael Israel (Maryland), Eun-ju Noh (Inha University), Roland Pfau (Amsterdam) and Phillip Wallage (Northumbria), and the discussion is to be led by Larry Horn (Yale). The draft versions of papers will be requested before the workshop, for distribution among participants, and we intend to publish a selection of the papers.
22.07.2013 10:30-12:30
Chair: Chungmin Lee10:30 - 11:30 Laurence HORN
Revisiting the licensing question: some negative (and positive) results11:30 - 12:00 Jon GAJEWSKI
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Another Look at NPIs in Definite Descriptions12:00 - 12:30 Lyn TIEU
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Negative polarity and domain widening: A learnability perspective
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22.07.2013 14:00-16:00
Chair: Pierre Larrivée14:00 - 14:30 Michael ISRAEL
Affect and Affectivity: Informative Value at the Heart of Polarity Sensitivity14:30 - 15:00 Patricia AMARAL
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“Smart as a fox”: Scalar negation and comparative constructions in Brazilian Portuguese15:00 - 15:30 Alice TER MEULEN
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Focus meaning and aspectual adverbs15:30 - 16:00 Chungmin LEE
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Metalinguistically Negated vs Descriptively Negated Adverbials
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22.07.2013 16:30-18:30
Chair: Chungmin Lee16:30 - 17:00 Liliane HAEGEMAN
The syntax of preverbal en in (West) Flemish17:00 - 17:30 Phillip WALLAGE
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Pragmatically marked ‘emphatic’ negation and its contribution to the Middle English Jespersen Cycle17:30 - 18:00 Susagna TUBAU et al.
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Prosody and metalinguistic Double Negation in Catalan and Spanish18:00 - 18:30 Viviane DÉPREZ et al.
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When and How is Concord preferred? An experimental approach
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23.07.2013 10:30-12:30
Chair: Pierre Larrivée10:30 - 11:00 Roland PFAU
Diachronic and structural aspects of sign language negation11:00 - 11:30 Pauline BEAUPOIL et al.
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A multimodal approach to children’s first negative constructions11:30 - 12:00 Lílian TEIXEIRA DE SOUSA
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Sentential negation in Brazilian Portuguese12:00 - 12:30 Jakob M. STEIXNER
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NC in Bavarian: Syntac and Information Structure
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23.07.2013 16:30-18:30
Title: Poster sessionChair: Chungmin Lee
16:30 - 18:00 all et al.
Poster session16:30 - 18:00 Benjamin TSOU
(poster in workshop)16:30 - 18:00 Igor VINOGRADOV
A note on pseudo-conditional sentences, and denial: A cross-lingual comparison
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(poster in workshop)16:30 - 18:00 Montserrat BATLLORI
Negation and Irreal Modality in Mayan Languages
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(poster in workshop)16:30 - 18:00 Nami ARIMITSU
Behind the grammaticalization path of three types of n-words in Catalan
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(poster in workshop)16:30 - 18:00 Naoko TOMITA
Irreality, negative meanings and intensifiers
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(poster in workshop)16:30 - 18:00 Olga KELLERT
Representation of a change-of-polarity - A contrastive study of German and Japanese on the language-specificity in information organization
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(poster in workshop)16:30 - 18:00 Tista BAGCHI et al.
What NPIs have in common with interjections and modal particles
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(poster in workshop)16:30 - 18:00 Ye TIAN et al.
Negation and the anti-polarity of focus in Bangla conditionals
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(poster in workshop)18:00 - 18:30 Laurence HORN
Eye movements reveal causes of delay in negative sentence processing
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Closing word
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Benjamin TSOUA note on pseudo-conditional sentences, and denial: A cross-lingual comparisonIgor VINOGRADOV
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Negation and Irreal Modality in Mayan LanguagesMontserrat BATLLORI
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Behind the grammaticalization path of three types of n-words in CatalanNami ARIMITSU
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Irreality, negative meanings and intensifiersNaoko TOMITA
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Representation of a change-of-polarity - A contrastive study of German and Japanese on the language-specificity in information organizationOlga KELLERT
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What NPIs have in common with interjections and modal particlesTista BAGCHI et al.
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Negation and the anti-polarity of focus in Bangla conditionalsYe TIAN et al.
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Eye movements reveal causes of delay in negative sentence processing
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