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[WS128] The relationship between perception and production in L2 phonological acquisition – implications for pronunciation teaching


Authors: Isabelle Racine and Françoise Zay (ELCF, University of Geneva)

Title: The relationship between perception and production in L2 phonological acquisition – implications for pronunciation teaching

Type: Closed workshop

In the field of Second Language Phonological Acquisition, the relationship between perception and production has often been examined (see Flege 2003, Hansen Edwards & Zampini 2008 for an overview). As is pointed out by Llisterrí (1995), the central question is whether learners can adequately pronounce sounds that they are not able to perceive well or whether an accurate perception of L2 sounds is a prerequisite to a good pronunciation. In other words, does production precede perception in L2 phonological acquisition or is it the opposite? Although there is no absolute consensus about the description of the interaction between perception and production during L2 phonological acquisition, most researchers consider that – overall – perception precedes production (see Escudero 2005, 2006 for an overview). On the other hand, neurolinguistic research in the field of language-related brain areas shows a partial dissociation between perception and production of new phonetic contrasts (Golestani et al. 2007, Golestani & Pallier 2007). These results are consistent with what is observed in speech pathology: brain-lesioned patients can be impaired in either perception or production. If the relationship between perception and production remains theoretically challenging in terms of L2 phonological acquisition models, it also has direct and practical consequences for the methodology used for pronunciation teaching in L2 education. The aim of the workshop is therefore to explore the relationship between these two sides of the acquisition process and to examine their pedagogical implications.

Half-day workshop with 4 presentations of 40 minutes (30 minutes per presentation, 10 minutes for questions) and a concluding discussion session of 45 minutes. Keynote speakers are: Juana Gil Fernández (CSIC, Madrid), Takeki Kamiyama, Jumpei Kaneda & Ryoko Hayashi (University of Paris 8, Kansai University and Kobe University), Sylvain Detey & Isabelle Racine (University of Waseda and University of Geneva) and Alexis Hervais-Adelman, Natalia Kartushina Ulrich Frauenfelder & Narly Golestani (University of Geneva). The workshop will be given in French and English with 2 presentations in each language (with slides in the other one).
The scientific quality of the workshop is guaranteed by the current and past research activities of the organizers and invited participants. Their work is directly related to the topics of L2 speech perception, speech production and pronunciation teaching.

Escudero, P. (2005). Linguistic Perception and Second Language Acquisition. Explaining the attainment of optimal phonological categorization. Doctoral Dissertation, Utrecht University, LOT Dissertation Series 113.
Escudero, P. (2006). Second Language Phonology: The Role of Perception. In: Pennington, M. C. (ed.). Phonology in Context. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 109-134.
Flege, J.E. (2003). Assessing constraints on second-language segmental production and perception. In: Meyer, A. and Schiller, N. (eds). Phonetics and Phonology in Language Comprehension and Production: Differences and Similarities. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 319-355.



22.07.2013   14:00-15:35

Chair: Françoise ZAY & Isabelle RACINE

14:00 - 14:15 Isabelle RACINE et al.
Relations entre perception et production dans l'acquisition phonologique d'une langue seconde: ouverture/The relationship between perception and production in L2 phonological acquisition: opening
> read abstract...
14:15 - 14:55 Juana GIL FERNÁNDEZ
Perception et production des sons en L2: analyses et implications didactiques/Perception and production of L2 sounds: analyses and pedagogical implications
> read abstract...
14:55 - 15:35 Takeki KAMIYAMA et al.
Perception and production of French oral vowels by Japanese speakers with different dialect backgrounds/Perception et production des voyelles orales du français par des japonophones avec des dialectes différents
> read abstract...

22.07.2013   15:45-17:05

Chair: Françoise ZAY & Isabelle RACINE

15:45 - 16:25 Sylvain DETEY et al.
Du traitement des voyelles nasales du français par des apprenants japonais débutants: analyse en perception et en production/On the processing of French nasal vowels by beginner Japanese learners: a perception-production analysis
> read abstract...
16:25 - 17:05 Alexis HERVAIS-ADELMAN et al.
Language and brain: production-perception links/Langage et cerveau: lien entre la perception et la production
> read abstract...

22.07.2013   17:15-18:00

Chair: Françoise ZAY & Isabelle RACINE

17:15 - 18:00 Isabelle RACINE et al.
Table ronde/roundtable