Détail de la contribution
Auteur: Elena GHEORGHITA
Algorithmization of intercultural communication
Abstract/Résumé: The goal of the presentation is to show the links between rational and spontaneous elements in a particular case of intercultural communication. The concept of the game of strategy, developed from the traditional game theory by Th. Schelling, is applied to intercultural communication, specifically to translation and interpretation (the author being a practicing conference interpreter herself), called cumulatively tentatively transcoding, a term that shall be explained further. The definition of intercultural communication is borrowed from S. Ter-Minasova. Other attempts to link intercultural communication, game theory, and translation studies shall be also accounted for. The results of the experiment held with professional translators and students, majoring in translation studies, shall be discussed. Viewed as product, social reality and process, transcoding is best understood as a game of strategy, played by author, translator and audience together. The game theoretical approach to transcoding will represent the phenomenon as a dynamic system and should yield a good roadmap not to allow the audience to get lost in the fictional, or less fictional, wood (modifying a little the metaphor employed by U. Eco) into which the author lures the foreign language speakers, being assisted by translators and interpreters.
Algorithmization of intercultural communication
Abstract/Résumé: The goal of the presentation is to show the links between rational and spontaneous elements in a particular case of intercultural communication. The concept of the game of strategy, developed from the traditional game theory by Th. Schelling, is applied to intercultural communication, specifically to translation and interpretation (the author being a practicing conference interpreter herself), called cumulatively tentatively transcoding, a term that shall be explained further. The definition of intercultural communication is borrowed from S. Ter-Minasova. Other attempts to link intercultural communication, game theory, and translation studies shall be also accounted for. The results of the experiment held with professional translators and students, majoring in translation studies, shall be discussed. Viewed as product, social reality and process, transcoding is best understood as a game of strategy, played by author, translator and audience together. The game theoretical approach to transcoding will represent the phenomenon as a dynamic system and should yield a good roadmap not to allow the audience to get lost in the fictional, or less fictional, wood (modifying a little the metaphor employed by U. Eco) into which the author lures the foreign language speakers, being assisted by translators and interpreters.