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Auteur: Antonio DOMÍNGUEZ REY

The Notional a priori of the Ontological and Predicative Correlation of Language

Abstract/Résumé: The word sound production allows us to consider its form as an act of knowledge. Analyzing it, we enter into its own training. We feel that the sound level is modulated in accordance with the designative intentional drive. We vibrate while speaking: the body resonates. This involves a series of productive relations from which the linguistic sign springs. Several intentions converge on it. Its articulation fixes them in significant synergy. The phoneme is then shown as synthetic-analytic unit of simultaneous processual relations. It is a phonic type resulting from a genetic act of abstractive conducting. This explains the sound-thought interface ("pensée-son" de Saussure), whose gap, the script, indicates the articulated space-time of knowledge. The Galician linguist, philosopher and theologian Angel Amor Ruibal (1869-1930) foresaw this epistemological implication in the locutionary act. He outlines some of the traits of the language between 1900 and 1905, following intuitions of Humboldt in parallel with Hegel and considering the semantics of M. Breal. His analysis are based on a broad knowledge of comparative grammar. His philological-linguistic work prefigures the outlines of the scientific foundation of language, years before Saussure. On the other hand, Husserl’s correlative a priori, also based on the verbal process, reinforces this hypothesis. From it, we propose a notional a priori of the ontological and predicative correlation (sound-mind) of language. Language constitutes itsel by knowing.