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Auteur: Per Aage BRANDT

Cognition and Dialogue

Abstract/Résumé: Dialogical structures in Grammar and Discourse First I will discuss the role of enunciation and dialogical structures in grammar: clausal embedding by relative and interrogative forms, completive forms, and cleft sentences. Two more structurally dialogical types will be in focus: concessives and conditionals; and negative and affirmative adverbials. In these forms, essential to the representation of thought in language, I will argue that the inscription of clauses reflecting second-person utterances in the forms of first-person utterances is crucial. Second, I will demonstrate by two examples – a letter and a propaganda poster – that the connection from sentence to sentence in textual utterances anticipates second-person (addressee) responses and their argumentative meaning in the articulation and structuring of discourse coherence. Finally, I will shortly show how embodied cognitive blending theory can model and ground the function of dialogical enunciation in situations of communication, and even in monologue.