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Auteur: Renata ŠAMO

EFL Readers and Their Text Processing from the Self-Monitoring Perspective

Abstract/Résumé: The process-orientated view, rooted in the interactive approaches that have also had a considerable influence on L2 reading theory, emphasises reading as problem-solving dependent on text and reader variables. While the text remains the same, the information the reader brings fluctuates as comprehension develops and constantly shapes their interaction. Such contribution to the text is not only based on the reader's content, formal and linguistic schemata, but also on his/her knowledge about reading strategies. Broadly classified as lower-level (print decoding) and higher-level (meaning construction/message interpretation), strategies are particularly efficient when comprehension is not sensible. Readers monitor their comprehension and use different strategies, so that this self-monitoring implies awareness and control of their processing. A good part of metacognition in reading deals with linguistic knowledge, which should particularly be taken into account in L2 reading. The poster focuses on the use of self-monitoring strategies by EFL readers in the study with eighth-graders. Data collection included a standardised English proficiency test, cloze-tests, think-alouds and interviews. The procedure led to 111 verbal protocols, which were transcribed, coded and analysed. The initial analysis of proficiency test results identified accomplished and less accomplished EFL learners; cloze-test performance resulted in the identification of accomplished and less accomplished EFL readers; accomplished learners were identified as accomplished readers, while non-accomplished learners were classified as non-accomplished readers. Regarding their self-monitoring over the process, the accomplished readers revealed in their verbal protocols that they mainly relied on: recognising loss of concentration/problem of memory, formulating questions for clarifications and (dis)confirming their inferences. The obtained results generally indicate that self-monitoring is helpful in L2 reading.