Detail of contribution
Auteur: Lucia GOMEZ
The emotional experiencer in French (L1) and Spanish (L1/L2): classification, description and typological analysis
Abstract/Résumé: The work presented here, which is based on the theoretical framework of Cognitive Linguistics, provides a characterization and a classification of the different types of prototypical experiencers that take part in the emotional event in French (L1) and Spanish (L1). More precisely, it offers a classification of the different types of emotional experiencers based on the kind of syntactic construction in which they appear (secondary-predicate, copulative, intransitive, middle or transitive constructions), and on the grammatical function that codifies them (subject, direct object, indirect object, etc.). The classification that we propose relies mostly on two criteria: the level of prominence with which the experiencer is represented, and the level of participation in the emotional event with which it is conceptualized. This classification was realized thanks to an ad-hoc discursive corpus created for the analysis of the conceptual and linguistic resources related to the expression of the change of emotion event in Spanish (L1 and L2) and French (L1). It was inspired by the corpus used by Cadierno (2004) to analyze motion events through a typological approach. Based on the thinking for speaking theory (Slobin: 1996), we will then describe the results of a comparative analysis that we made between French and Spanish. We discovered some differences in the way of representing the experiencer of the emotional event in both languages and notably, a lower level of dynamicity and of participation of the French experiencer. These results are in line with the Spanish tendency of codifying the experiencer of mental process (cognition, perception, emotion) with a high level of participation in the process (Martínez Linares : 1998). References Cadierno, T. (2004). "Expressing motion events in a second language". En Achard, M. & Niemeier, S. (eds.) Cognitive linguistics, second language acquisition, and foreign language teaching. Berlín (Alemania): Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 13-49. Langacker, R. W. (2008a). Cognitive grammar: a basic introduction. Oxford (Inglaterra): Oxford University Press. Maldonado, R. (2002). "Subjective and objective Datives". Congitive Linguistics.13.1.pp. 1-65. Martínez Linares, M. A. (1998). "Los complementos del verbo psicológicos en español y la perspectiva no discreta de la categorización". Estudios de lingüística, nº12. pp. 117-144. Slobin, D. I. (1996). “From ‘thought and language’ to ‘thinking for speaking’. En J. J. Gumperz & S. C. Levinson (eds.), Rethinking Linguistic Relativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 70-96.
The emotional experiencer in French (L1) and Spanish (L1/L2): classification, description and typological analysis
Abstract/Résumé: The work presented here, which is based on the theoretical framework of Cognitive Linguistics, provides a characterization and a classification of the different types of prototypical experiencers that take part in the emotional event in French (L1) and Spanish (L1). More precisely, it offers a classification of the different types of emotional experiencers based on the kind of syntactic construction in which they appear (secondary-predicate, copulative, intransitive, middle or transitive constructions), and on the grammatical function that codifies them (subject, direct object, indirect object, etc.). The classification that we propose relies mostly on two criteria: the level of prominence with which the experiencer is represented, and the level of participation in the emotional event with which it is conceptualized. This classification was realized thanks to an ad-hoc discursive corpus created for the analysis of the conceptual and linguistic resources related to the expression of the change of emotion event in Spanish (L1 and L2) and French (L1). It was inspired by the corpus used by Cadierno (2004) to analyze motion events through a typological approach. Based on the thinking for speaking theory (Slobin: 1996), we will then describe the results of a comparative analysis that we made between French and Spanish. We discovered some differences in the way of representing the experiencer of the emotional event in both languages and notably, a lower level of dynamicity and of participation of the French experiencer. These results are in line with the Spanish tendency of codifying the experiencer of mental process (cognition, perception, emotion) with a high level of participation in the process (Martínez Linares : 1998). References Cadierno, T. (2004). "Expressing motion events in a second language". En Achard, M. & Niemeier, S. (eds.) Cognitive linguistics, second language acquisition, and foreign language teaching. Berlín (Alemania): Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 13-49. Langacker, R. W. (2008a). Cognitive grammar: a basic introduction. Oxford (Inglaterra): Oxford University Press. Maldonado, R. (2002). "Subjective and objective Datives". Congitive Linguistics.13.1.pp. 1-65. Martínez Linares, M. A. (1998). "Los complementos del verbo psicológicos en español y la perspectiva no discreta de la categorización". Estudios de lingüística, nº12. pp. 117-144. Slobin, D. I. (1996). “From ‘thought and language’ to ‘thinking for speaking’. En J. J. Gumperz & S. C. Levinson (eds.), Rethinking Linguistic Relativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 70-96.