Samedi 27.07.2013 (ateliers)
> consultez le programme des sessions
08:30 - 09:00 Workshop: 102 Advances in Biolinguistics (Anna Maria DI SCIULLIO) in room: MR030(oral presentation)08:30 - 09:00 Workshop: 110 L'Ecole linguistique de Genève: histoire et actualité (Claire FOREL et Christian PUECH) in room: B111
Mental representation of natural numbers and acquisition of numerals
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(oral presentation)08:30 - 09:00 Workshop: 111 Langage et cognition dans une perspective saussurienne (Daniele GAMBARARA) in room: B105
Emanuele FADDA
L. J. Prieto, ou le dernier sémiologue structurel
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(oral presentation)08:30 - 09:00 Workshop: 132 Word stress: dialectal variation and perception (Richard WIESE, Volker DELLWO & Agnes KOLMER) in room: MR040
Structuralisme et psychologisme: un éternel positionnement
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(oral presentation)09:00 - 09:30 Workshop: 102 Advances in Biolinguistics (Anna Maria DI SCIULLIO) in room: MR030
Brigitta KEIJ et al.
Early acquisition of word stress: a cross-linguistic infant study.
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(oral presentation)09:00 - 09:30 Workshop: 110 L'Ecole linguistique de Genève: histoire et actualité (Claire FOREL et Christian PUECH) in room: B111
Variable elimination in language system and mathematics
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(oral presentation)09:00 - 09:30 Workshop: 111 Langage et cognition dans une perspective saussurienne (Daniele GAMBARARA) in room: B105
Claire FOREL
Une approche didactique saussurienne?
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(oral presentation)09:00 - 09:30 Workshop: 124 Register variation and syntactic theory (Timothy STOWELL, Liliane HAEGEMAN & Elisabeth STARK) in room: M2160
Langage et cognition dans une perspective saussurienne
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(oral presentation)09:00 - 09:30 Workshop: 132 Word stress: dialectal variation and perception (Richard WIESE, Volker DELLWO & Agnes KOLMER) in room: MR040
Accounting for omitted articles and copulae in headlines
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(oral presentation)09:30 - 10:30 Workshop: 102 Advances in Biolinguistics (Anna Maria DI SCIULLIO) in room: MR030
Volker DELLWO et al.
Perception of French accentuation by Swiss German and Standard German speakers
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(oral presentation)09:30 - 10:30 Workshop: 111 Langage et cognition dans une perspective saussurienne (Daniele GAMBARARA) in room: B105
The great leap forward and the emergence of complex numerals
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(discussion)09:30 - 10:00 Workshop: 124 Register variation and syntactic theory (Timothy STOWELL, Liliane HAEGEMAN & Elisabeth STARK) in room: M2160
Daniele GAMBARARA et al.
Discussion générale finale
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(oral presentation)09:30 - 10:30 Workshop: 132 Word stress: dialectal variation and perception (Richard WIESE, Volker DELLWO & Agnes KOLMER) in room: MR040
Varieties of 'be' in spoken English
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(roundtable)10:00 - 10:30 Workshop: 124 Register variation and syntactic theory (Timothy STOWELL, Liliane HAEGEMAN & Elisabeth STARK) in room: M2160
Richard WIESE
Round Table discussion
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all et al.
Final discussion
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10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00-12:30 KEYNOTE
11:00 - 12:30 Keynote lecture in room: MR380(keynote)
Anaphora: Insights from Sign Language
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