Mardi 23.07.2013 (sessions)

08:30-10:00 KEYNOTE

08:30 - 10:00 Keynote lecture in room: MR380
Angelika KRATZER
Modality for the 21st Century
> read abstract...

10:00-10:30 COFFEE BREAK


10:30 - 11:00 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
L'Ecole de Paris et L'Ecole de Genève: dans la continuité de l'oeuvre de Saussure
> read abstract...
10:30 - 11:30 Session: 6A Semantics-pragmatics interfaces (Kai von Fintel & David Beaver) in room: MR290
(oral presentation)
Kai VON FINTEL et al.
Variable Costs
> read abstract...
10:30 - 11:00 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Dorottya GYARMATHY et al.
Self-monitoring strategies: the factor of age
> read abstract...
10:30 - 11:00 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
Speaking While Black or Speaking While Brown in Global Perspective
> read abstract...
10:30 - 11:00 Session: 10 Varia (Stephen Anderson) in room: MR060
(oral presentation)
Perspectives in Japanese and German: A Contrastive Analysis of Sign Expressions in Public Spaces
> read abstract...
11:00 - 11:30 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
L'essence double et triple du langage: réception et transformation des idées saussuriennes dans la pensée de Coseriu
> read abstract...
11:00 - 11:30 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Violaine MICHEL LANGE et al.
The span of phonological ahead planning in the production of adjectival noun phrases in French
> read abstract...
11:00 - 11:30 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
Patricia CUKOR-AVILA et al.
Temporal reference and verb morphology in the narratives of African American Vernacular English speakers
> read abstract...
11:00 - 11:30 Session: 10 Varia (Stephen Anderson) in room: MR060
(oral presentation)
Editorials in Pre and Post Egyptian Spring Revolution: Argumentation Structural Perspectives
> read abstract...
11:30 - 12:00 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
L'héritage saussurien au sein de la théorie fonctionnaliste martinetienne
> read abstract...
11:30 - 12:00 Session: 6A Semantics-pragmatics interfaces (Kai von Fintel & David Beaver) in room: MR290
(oral presentation)
Alessandro ZUCCHI et al.
Monsters begat by quantifiers
> read abstract...
11:30 - 12:00 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Vitor ZIMMERER et al.
Accounting for atypical profiles in aphasic agrammatism
> read abstract...
11:30 - 12:00 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
Dagmar DEUBER et al.
American influence across Caribbean Standard Englishes
> read abstract...
11:30 - 12:00 Session: 10 Varia (Stephen Anderson) in room: MR060
(oral presentation)
Aleksandra GNACH
Exploring Cultural Differences Between Newscasts in Switzerland. A Contrastive Approach to Newsroom Practices of a Multilingual Public Service Broadcast Company
> read abstract...
12:00 - 12:30 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
Recherches Saussuriennes en Russie
> read abstract...
12:00 - 12:30 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Shevaun LEWIS et al.
No filled gap effects in coordinated wh-questions
> read abstract...
12:00 - 12:30 Session: 10 Varia (Stephen Anderson) in room: MR060
(oral presentation)
Giuseppe D'OTTAVI
Aristote contre Pānini. Le chapitre linguistique de la Poétique et la tradition grammaticale indienne
> read abstract...

12:30-14:00 LUNCH


14:00 - 14:30 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
Toujours tant de bruit pour rien?
> read abstract...
14:00 - 14:30 Session: 5 Theoretical and comparative syntax (Luigi Rizzi) in room: MS160
(oral presentation)
Eric HAEBERLI et al.
On the Interaction between Syntax and Morphology: New Evidence from the Loss of Verb Movement in the History of English
> read abstract...
14:00 - 14:30 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Hélène DELAGE et al.
Relation between working memory and complex syntax in SLI
> read abstract...
14:00 - 14:30 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
Language contacts and universals in Englishes in post-colonial settings
> read abstract...
14:00 - 14:30 Session: 10 Varia (Stephen Anderson) in room: MR060
(oral presentation)
Expectation, Presupposition, and the Semantics of -Le
> read abstract...
14:00 - 15:00 Session: 6B Pragmatics, Discourse and Cognition (Horn & Kecskes) in room: MR280
(oral presentation)
Laurence HORN et al.
Pragmatics, discourse and cognition
> read abstract...
14:30 - 15:00 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
The reception of Saussure's theory of the linguistic sign in Cognitive Grammar
> read abstract...
14:30 - 15:00 Session: 4 Phonology and Morphology (Marc van Oostendorp) in room: MR070
(oral presentation)
Ponghyung LEE
Phonemization of Borrowed Sounds and the Impact of Neutralization on Contrats in Korean
> read abstract...
14:30 - 15:00 Session: 5 Theoretical and comparative syntax (Luigi Rizzi) in room: MS160
(oral presentation)
Michelle SHEEHAN et al.
Mafioso Parameters and the Limits of Syntactic Variation
> read abstract...
14:30 - 15:00 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Kleanthes K. GROHMANN et al.
Differentiating Verb Error Naming in SLI: GAP Verbs vs Light Verb Construction
> read abstract...
14:30 - 15:00 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
Anne FABRICIUS et al.
Globalization, sociolinguistics and the international university: a case-study of the Danish higher education landscape
> read abstract...
14:30 - 15:00 Session: 10 Varia (Stephen Anderson) in room: MR060
(oral presentation)
Marko SIMONOVIC et al.
Exponence, productivity and default pattern - A study of verb aspect in Serbo-Croatian
> read abstract...
15:00 - 15:30 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
Lars Erik ZEIGE
From Saussure to sociology and back to linguistics. Langue/parole and signifiant/signifié in Niklas Luhmann's theory as basis for a model of language change
> read abstract...
15:00 - 15:30 Session: 4 Phonology and Morphology (Marc van Oostendorp) in room: MR070
(oral presentation)
Melanie J. BELL et al.
English compound stress in an analogical model of word-formation
> read abstract...
15:00 - 15:30 Session: 5 Theoretical and comparative syntax (Luigi Rizzi) in room: MS160
(oral presentation)
Genoveva PUSKAS et al.
The left periphery of non-indicative clauses: a cross-linguistic study
> read abstract...
15:00 - 15:30 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Karen SMITH-LOCK et al.
The independence of relative clause comprehension in SLI
> read abstract...
15:00 - 15:30 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
Patricia FRIEDRICH et al.
New technologies, old myths: A study of language ideologies in the discourses of online English schools in Brazil and their implication for the sociolinguistics of globalization
> read abstract...
15:00 - 15:30 Session: 10 Varia (Stephen Anderson) in room: MR060
(oral presentation)
Marina KULINICH et al.
Semantic and pragmatic meaning of causality in German and English
> read abstract...
15:00 - 15:30 Session: 6B Pragmatics, Discourse and Cognition (Horn & Kecskes) in room: MR280
(oral presentation)
Michael HAUGH
Situating speaker meaning in time
> read abstract...
15:30 - 16:00 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
Thayanne LIMA
Saussure and Labov: congruencies and divergences
> read abstract...
15:30 - 16:00 Session: 4 Phonology and Morphology (Marc van Oostendorp) in room: MR070
(oral presentation)
Francesco GARDANI
Inflectional classes - a 2000-year timeline of evolution
> read abstract...
15:30 - 16:00 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Ekaterina TOMAS et al.
The Effects of Phonological Complexity on the Use of Verbal and Nominal Morphemes in Children with SLI
> read abstract...
15:30 - 16:00 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
English in Russia -an ELF or a WE variety?
> read abstract...
15:30 - 16:00 Session: 10 Varia (Stephen Anderson) in room: MR060
(oral presentation)
Fatima SILVA
Nominal indirect anaphora and information structure in complex sentences with 'before' and 'after'
> read abstract...
15:30 - 16:00 Session: 6B Pragmatics, Discourse and Cognition (Horn & Kecskes) in room: MR280
(oral presentation)
Unarticulated Constituents (UCs) in Neo-Gricean Pragmatics
> read abstract...

16:00-16:30 COFFEE BREAK


16:30 - 17:00 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
Applying Saussure's dichotomy between langue and parole to a theory of argument realization
> read abstract...
16:30 - 17:00 Session: 4 Phonology and Morphology (Marc van Oostendorp) in room: MR070
(oral presentation)
On Selection Of The Method Of Morphological Categories Description (Data of the Verbal Paradigm of Modern German)
> read abstract...
16:30 - 17:00 Session: 5 Theoretical and comparative syntax (Luigi Rizzi) in room: MS160
(oral presentation)
Wei-Tien Dylan TSAI
Rethinking Formal Licensing
> read abstract...
16:30 - 17:00 Session: 6A Semantics-pragmatics interfaces (Kai von Fintel & David Beaver) in room: MR290
(oral presentation)
Pascal AMSILI et al.
Beyond obligatory presupposition
> read abstract...
16:30 - 17:30 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Ulrich FRAUENFELDER et al.
Modularity and domain specificity in language and cognition
> read abstract...
16:30 - 17:00 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
Magnus HUBER
A variationist approach to the phonological history of an Outer Circle variety: Early recordings from Ghana
> read abstract...
16:30 - 17:00 Session: 6B Pragmatics, Discourse and Cognition (Horn & Kecskes) in room: MR280
(oral presentation)
Jason QUINLEY et al.
Would you trust me please?
> read abstract...
17:00 - 17:30 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
Ce que les théories du discours doivent à Saussure
> read abstract...
17:00 - 17:30 Session: 4 Phonology and Morphology (Marc van Oostendorp) in room: MR070
(oral presentation)
Les aspects perfectif et imperfectif en serbe : une opposition morphologique ?
> read abstract...
17:00 - 17:30 Session: 5 Theoretical and comparative syntax (Luigi Rizzi) in room: MS160
(oral presentation)
Yoshio ENDO
Two Types of Why
> read abstract...
17:00 - 17:30 Session: 6A Semantics-pragmatics interfaces (Kai von Fintel & David Beaver) in room: MR290
(oral presentation)
Yasutada SUDO
Beyond Frege-Strawson: Presupposition, Quantification and Anaphora
> read abstract...
17:00 - 17:30 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
Spoken English in the West African Region
> read abstract...
17:30 - 18:00 Session: 4 Phonology and Morphology (Marc van Oostendorp) in room: MR070
(oral presentation)
Rossella PANNAIN et al.
The lexicalization of initialisms and acronyms and its morphological correlates in Italian and French.
> read abstract...
17:30 - 18:00 Session: 5 Theoretical and comparative syntax (Luigi Rizzi) in room: MS160
(oral presentation)
Amy Rose DEAL
Short and long scrambling in Nez Perce
> read abstract...
17:30 - 18:00 Session: 6A Semantics-pragmatics interfaces (Kai von Fintel & David Beaver) in room: MR290
(oral presentation)
How not to trigger a presupposition
> read abstract...
17:30 - 18:00 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Alice FLECKSTEIN et al.
Diagnosis of Specific Language Impairment among French bilingual children via a sentence repetition task: Disentangling the effects of computational complexity and other L2 developmental factors
> read abstract...
17:30 - 18:00 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
Sarah BUSCHFELD et al.
English in Namibia or Namibian English? - Evidence from a survey on identity constructions and language attitudes and use
> read abstract...
18:00 - 18:30 Session: 1 Saussure and his legacy (Frederick Newmeyer) in room: B101
(oral presentation)
Thématisation, focalisation et l'école de Ferdinand de Saussure
> read abstract...
18:00 - 18:30 Session: 5 Theoretical and comparative syntax (Luigi Rizzi) in room: MS160
(oral presentation)
Jacopo GARZONIO et al.
Non and its companions: on the big NegP hypothesis
> read abstract...
18:00 - 18:30 Session: 6A Semantics-pragmatics interfaces (Kai von Fintel & David Beaver) in room: MR290
(oral presentation)
Coherence and Donkey Anaphora
> read abstract...
18:00 - 18:30 Session: 7 Psycholinguistics (Uli Frauenfelder) in room: MS150
(oral presentation)
Karen SMITH-LOCK et al.
How children with Specific Language Impairment interpret scope ambiguities
> read abstract...
18:00 - 18:30 Session: 8 Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (Edgar Schneider) in room: MR080
(oral presentation)
Christine OFULUE
Bilingualism and Language maintenance in small language communities in Nigeria: the case of Oko and Gungbe
> read abstract...

18:30-19:30 Poster session

18:30 - 19:30 Session: 4 in: Hall Uni Mail
Yoolim KIM
Redefining the L1: Can Vowel Categories Change?
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Aynat RUBINSTEIN et al.
Contextual commitment and desiderative verbs
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality: The case of phah4-sng3 in Taiwanese Southern Min
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Ahbi KOH
Korean Temporal Adverbs from the Perspective of Pragmatic Comparison
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
The judge argument
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Dongsik LIM
On the interaction between Korean direct evidential -te- and the event structure of predicates
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Agata Maria RENANS
Functions of exclusives in Ga
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Anastasia GIANNAKIDOU et al.
Future morphemes and epistemic modality: evidence from modal adverbs in Greek, Italian and English
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Osamu SAWADA et al.
The modal demonstratives in Japanese: a mismatch between at-issue and non-at-issue meanings
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
From adposition to comparative marker: Innovating locative comparisons
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Mira GRUBIC et al.
If only means must...: Analyzing the modal meanings of the Hausa exclusive particle sai and its use in conditionals
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Harris CONSTANTINOU et al.
Accounting for the Scopal Effects of Intensifiers
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Elena CASTROVIEJO et al.
What we know about capacities
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Shevaun LEWIS et al.
3-year-olds compute relevance inferences in indirect requests
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Absence, Non-existence, and Particular Beings or Objects
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Sara UCKELMAN et al.
Medieval insights for the semantics of exceptives
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6A in: Hall Uni Mail
Chris CUMMINS et al.
Multi-level contextual effects on the scope of negation
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
Zoltán BÁNRÉTI et al.
Compounding and lexical recursion in aphasia and in Alzheimer's disease
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
The role of working memory capacity in L2 speech production and development
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
Zoltán BÁNRÉTI et al.
Recursion in language, theory-of-mind inference, and arithmetical calculations. Lessons drawn from Alzheimer's disease and agrammatic aphasia
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
Seiya FUNATSU et al.
Is the mechanism of vowel epenthesis language specific or language universal?: an EMA study
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
Linguistic typology of sleep-talking
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
Hsiu-ling HSU
Bilingual and Trilingual Advantages in the Language Production: Evidence from speech errors and efforts needed for self-repair
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
The Effect of Mental Translation into L1 on the Reading Fluency of L2 Texts
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
Renata ŠAMO
EFL Readers and Their Text Processing from the Self-Monitoring Perspective
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
Marthe Clarisse Blanche AMBANI
Ordre de récupération du langage de l'aphasique vs acquisition/approche psycholinguistique de la récupération du langage
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
Emmanuelle CANUT
Mise en fonctionnement de « schèmes sémantico-syntaxiques créateurs » : une interface entre apprentissage et développement du langage
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
Audrey BÜRKI et al.
The production of French 'non-schwa variants' as a window into aphasic patients' phonological planning?
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 7 in: Hall Uni Mail
Seung-ah HONG
'One way or another'- the multilateral cross-linguistic influence: A case study on native German speakers with ambient exposure of Korean
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
Sociolinguistic determinants of relational coherence devices
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
Elizaveta KOTOROVA
Communicative-pragmatic field as a model of culturally driven speech behavior
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
Tomoaki IHARA
We need summary and sequential scannning --- a case study in Japanese ---
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
The Information Structures of a Sentence: Cleft Questions in Megrelian and Laz
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
A Functional Linguistic Analysis of Charismatic Christian Sermonic Discourses of a Popular Nigerian Pastor
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
Chun CHANG et al.
Verbs of Visual Perception in Sinitic Languages: Objectivity and (Inter)Subjectivity
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
La complémentation des adjectifs d'identité: de la quantification à la qualification
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
Cristel PORTES et al.
Disentangling French intonational contours through specific utterance reactions in adjacent pairs
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
The Role of Subject-Area Knowledge in Consecutive Interpreting - a Semantic and Pragmatic Perspective
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
Sabina NEDBAILIK et al.
Les particularités générales des mécanismes sémantiques de la dénomination secondaire (sur le matériel lexical de l'argot français et du slang anglais)
> read abstract...
18:30 - 19:30 Session: 6B in: Hall Uni Mail
Alice TOMA
L'exception dans l'argumentation
> read abstract...


19:30 - 20:00 Latsis lectures in room: MR380
(latsis lecture)
Two computation linguistics applications and a bridge between them
> read abstract...
20:00 - 20:30 Latsis lectures in room: MR380
(latsis lecture)
Perspectival interpretation of tenses
> read abstract...
20:30 - 21:00 Latsis lectures in room: MR380
(latsis lecture)
The logical foundation of pragmatic meaning: Arguments from logical words
> read abstract...